A head start through market alignment

„Our customers can now access real product innovations even faster.“

CEO Dr. Sven Abend, GELITA


In the future, GELITA AG wants to align itself even more closely to the needs of its customers and make further improvements. The company has set itself the ambitious goal of creating greater added value for customers and giving them a head start in the market with bespoke, customized solutions. The key to this is consistent market alignment.

GELITA has undergone a fundamental reorganization in recent months. In the process, the company has been transformed into a customer-focused organization down to the last detail, positioned alongside the most important markets. “Our ambitious goal is to offer our customers innovative, customized solutions that give them an edge in the market,” explains Dr Sven Abend, who has been GELITA’s CEO since 2021. “At the same time, we want to continue to meet their requirements for quality, delivery reliability and service in the best possible way and achieve a continuous improvement while doing so.”

Focus on customer requirements
and market trends

In the future, therefore, specific customer requirements and market trends in certain applications will determine the company‘s focus on innovation and business development. “This means thinking about the end user first, anticipating needs and requirements, and developing new application solutions for them,” explains Dr Abend. This approach, he says, represents a mindset and culture at GELITA that puts the customer even more at the center of everything we do – in all departments and in all activities. The CEO is convinced that this will further strengthen the company‘s already high level of innovation and make it more effectively available to customers, thus ensuring GELITA‘s future growth.

At the core of the new, market-oriented corporate structure are two large business units: Nutrition & Health Ingredients, focusing on the consumer goods markets in the areas of food, health and beauty, and Performance Solutions, which places its focus on the pharmaceutical and medical industries, as well as on technical industrial and process applications. Both units are fully focused on the end applications in the target markets. “This enables us to identify trends at an early stage and offer our customers tailored solutions flexibly and at short notice,” emphasizes Dr Abend. To give the two new business units more clout, processes at GELITA have also been reorganized. In this way, the company aims to act noticeably faster, more efficiently and in a more needsbased manner for its customers.

Understanding customers better
and supporting them more effectively

Another central advantage of GELITA‘s new market and customer focus is the topic of how best to collaborate and pass on expertise. Customers are always provided with the best and most competent contact persons and can work directly with them, which improves not only communication but also results.

Proven strengths retained

However, what will not change at GELITA was stressed by Dr Abend: “More than ever following our reorganization, we stand by our promise to improve quality of life for as many people as possible. We are convinced that we contribute towards improving quality of life with our high-quality and innovative solutions in the food, health and nutrition, pharmaceutical and other markets.” Customers can therefore continue to count on proven GELITA strengths such as first-class product and service quality, delivery capability and reliability.

OLiver Wolf
Tel. +49 (0) 6271 84-2194

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