Looking good

White Tissue, Part 2:

Build muscle while simultaneously losing fat – a frequent goal of sporty, active people. Thanks to BODYBALANCE®, this can now be achieved more easily. This makes Bioactive Collagen Peptides (BCP®) interesting ingredients for manufacturers of sports nutrition products.

Good news for all those who do sports not only to simply stay fit, but who also want to improve their physique. In combination with strength training, BODYBALANCE® can help athletes tone their bodies: Taking BODYBALANCE® can again significantly increase muscle mass compared to strength training without taking BODYBALANCE® whilst at the same time reducing fat mass, but without fundamentally changing body weight. Thus, the effects of this special BCP® go beyond the well-known strengthening of the so-called white tissue.

Scientific studies prove the effectiveness of BODYBALANCE®. A total of six studies with about 500 men and women proving the positive effects of BCP® have been conducted. For example, the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with 114 healthy, moderately athletic middle-aged men. They took 15 grams of BODYBALANCE® or a placebo daily for twelve weeks and underwent strength training. The results: a significant increase in muscle mass – compared to the placebo group – with markedly improved muscle strength, significantly reduced fat mass, and a quickly visible reduction in waist circumference in the mirror as well.

Another study examined the effects on older men suffering from sarcopenia; the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength. A team from the Institute for Sport and Sport Science at the University of Freiburg investigated the effects on body composition of subjects doing strength training and taking BODYBALANCE® for three months. This study also showed positive effects: The participants, aged 72 on average, showed – compared to the group taking placebos – a significant increase in muscle tissue and strength, with a simultaneous significant reduction in fat mass.

Studies show BODYBALANCE® encourages the reduction of fat mass.

Another study was devoted to the effect of BODYBALANCE® in women in the early phase of the menopause. Here, too, after twelve weeks of strength training and BCP® supplements, researchers from the University of Freiburg found that muscle mass increased significantly and fat mass decreased compared to the placebo group. Or, to put it another way, the women were able to attain a better physique.

Overall, the results for BODYBALANCE® thus impressively show that body composition can be positively influenced for all age groups and regardless of gender.

It is also interesting for manufacturers that BODYBALANCE®, like all BCP® from GELITA, can be formulated very easily in drinks, shakes, powders or protein bars, is free of allergens, and does not carry any E-numbers (CleanLabel). In addition, BODYBALANCE® is an easily digestible, natural food that does not affect the taste or texture of the final product.

In the next issue of uptodate, we’ll show you how FORTIBONE® supports bone health in Part 3 of our “White Tissue” series.


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the e-book about
“White Tissue” here:

Martin Walter
Tel. +49 (0) 6271 84-2148


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