„It doesn’t hurt until you can no longer exercise.“

That’s the motto of Triple Perform. The innovative product combines no less than three Bioactive Collagen Peptides (BCP®) from GELITA – ensuring more power and fewer setbacks.

The Triple Perform slogan gets right to the point: injuries are annoying. But what often hurts much more than the injury itself is that you can often no longer keep up your exercise regime for a sustained period of time and are instead forced to take a break. In order to avoid this, the protein powder relies on the collagen triple formula: Triple Perform is based on TENDOFORTE®, FORTIGEL® and BODYBALANCE®. Numerous scientific studies prove the effectiveness of BCP®.

Triple Perform unterstützt den Muskelaufbau, stärkt Sehnen, Bänder und Gelenke und sorgt für eine schnellere Regeneration.

In order: TENDOFORTE®, GELITA’s newest collagen peptide brand, strengthens ligaments and tendons. FORTIGEL® has long been proven as an ingredient that protects and helps rebuild articular cartilage. And the specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides (BCP®) in BODYBALANCE® help to increase muscle mass and to reduce fat mass (read also the “Looking good” article in this magazine). The unique triple complex activates, strengthens and regenerates and thus acts like a bodyguard for demanding athletes.

Shot put world champion David Storl is a Triple Perform brand ambassador.

Triple Perform combines the BCP® additionally with magnesium, zinc and vitamin C. The latter additionally supports the formation of new collagen and thus also the stability of cartilage and bone. Magnesium and vitamin C also help to reduce fatigue and tiredness. Intake is very simple. The collagen powder is portioned in convenient sachets, with one ration containing the required daily dose of all three BCP®. The contents of the sachet only need to be filled with water and stirred well, and the delicious power drink is ready. Triple Perform is available in Grapefruit flavor and now also in Wild Berry flavor.

Sports enthusiasts

The launch of Triple Perform in Germany and Austria has clearly exceeded expectations, as evidenced by the positive response in the media: “The hype is justified” (Runner’s World 12/20) and “Triple Power – Fit with Collagen” (Shape 11/20) are just two of the many headlines in recognized magazines. The collagen powder from ATRO ProVita, a wholly owned subsidiary of GELITA, appeals primarily to athletically ambitious people between the ages of 25 and 65 who take care of their bodies and want to get the best out of them. The same goes for prominent athletes, such as David Storl. As a professional shot-putter, Storl is a multiple world and European champion and won a silver medal at the Olympics. He has integrated Triple Perform into his nutritional supplement plan to strengthen his tendon and fascia tissue. Ralf Weber, long jump coach for the German Athletics Association, is a staunch advocate of BCP®, and extreme runner Andrea Löw has taken Triple Perform for tendonitis in her shins. Fitness trainer and influencer Dominika Krcmáriková also supplements her diet with Triple Perform to stay in shape.

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Eberhard Stork