3 facts that will
surprise you

Food supplement agents
as a fruit gum applicationn

So-called “be good to yourself” products – foods with added benefits – are becoming increasingly popular with people all over the world. New types of gelatin now make it possible to significantly increase the protein and collagen content in fruit gums. As a result, nutritional supplements can now also be offered more easily in fruit gum form.

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Collagen will soon also
be available in vegan form

Collagen made from non-animal raw materials? Inconceivable. Until now. It’s true – GELITA is currently researching the production of a vegan collagen alternative based on microorganisms. The results show great promise: in the laboratory, it has been possible to produce a collagen protein of high purity using biotechnological processes. Experiments show that the collagen peptide from the test tube can improve the stimulation of collagen biosynthesis.

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Proteins permanently change metal processing

Did you know that proteins can also be used in metal processing? GELITA has developed a protein-based additive that provides various surfaces with a hydrophilic protective protein film. In the machining process, the protein film ensures clean surfaces and lower consumption of cooling lubricants. The natural product also makes it possible to achieve a high level of environmental compatibility.

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